Why Hemp

There are endless reasons why you should start scrambling to have hemp in your life!

In the wise words of Katherine Thompson:  

“Hemp, because you can’t build a house out of chia and you can’t wear kale.”

Hemp is incredibly versatile, and has epic benefits for your health and the environment. Now is the time to jump on the green rush and start introducing hemp into your life

For The Environment

The utilisation of hemp on a mass scale would be incredibly beneficial for our environment.

Hemp can grow abundantly in almost any climate, in soil in any condition and without pesticides or fertiliser. This makes it easier and cheaper to grow and much better for the air, the waterways and oceans and the health of farmers and consumers of hemp.

Hemp regenerates the quality of soil, instead of depleting it and it breaths in 4 times more CO2 than trees. Once acre of hemp produces more oxygen than 25 acres of trees. 

Hemp can be cultivated after just 4 months so is much less land intensive than other crops. Hemp paper can be recycles 8 times and increasing its production will help in the fight against deforestation.

Purchasing clothing made out of hemp fabric is also much better for the environment than cotton and synthetic fabrics. Hemp is natural and much easier and cheaper to grow organically than cotton. It produces 3 times more textile per acre and is much less water intensive than cotton. The cotton industry, depletes the soil, pollutes the water and air with huge amounts of fertilisers and pesticides the industry uses.  Synthetic fabric is made with a ton of chemicals and is not biodegradable, clogging up our lands fills and oceans. Hemp fabric is key when it comes to the war against fast fashion.

Every thing that is plastic can be made form hemp. Hemp plastic is natural and 100% biodegradable making it insanely better for the environment compared to traditional plastic made from petrochemicals. Hemp biofuel is also a renewable source of diesel and petrol that is clean.

For Your Health

Hemp is a health miracle!

Not only will in contribute to healthier air and water for humans to enjoy but hemp seeds alone are incredible for human health.

Hemp seeds are high in soluble and insoluble fibre, it is a complete source of clean protein, has the perfect ratio omega 3 to 6 fatty acids,  have vitamin E and chlorophyll plus so much more.

Hemp seeds and the oil extracted from hemp seeds can help fight heart disease, promote healthy hair and skin, ease PMS symptoms and treat acne and eczema to name a few.

The oil extracted from the stems, buds and leaves of the hemp plant contains cannabinoids like cannabidiol which is a natural treatment for a multitude of health conditions like anxiety, depression, epilepsy, cancer treatment symptoms, inflammation and acne. All with very few or no side effects.

Hemp fabric is also amazing for your health as it is mold resistant, antibacterial and isn’t made with harsh chemicals like cotton and synthetic fabrics.

You need to get hemp into your life now for the health of you and your family!

For It’s Versatility

Every inch of the hemp plant can be used for a vast variety of purposes.

The seeds can be used for food and cosmetics, the leaves, buds and stems for medicine, the hurd to make construction materials, the stalks fibre for canvas, textile, rope, paper and fuel. 

Plus so much more!

It’s versatility alone is reason enough to start cultivating this incredible plant on a mass scale.