What Is Hemp?

Hemp comes from the Cannabis sativa plant and includes all varieties that contain lower levels of THC. Psychoactive marijuana comes from a different variety of the Cannabis sativa plant. Hemp, also known as industrial hemp, is cultivated for its fibre and edible seeds.

What is CBD?

CBD is short for cannabidiol and is one of many cannabinoid compounds found in the Cannabis sativa plant. CBD is extracted from the flowers and buds and is not psychoactive. CBD stimulates the body to use more of its own cannabinoids providing mental & physical health benefits.

In the wise words of Katherine Thompson:  

“Hemp, because you can’t build a house out of chia and you can’t wear kale.”

 Hemp has over 25,000 uses! Hemp is incredibly versatile, and has epic benefits for your health and the environment. Now is the time to jump on the green rush and start introducing hemp into your life

For The Environemnt

  • Hemp breaths in 4x the CO2 of trees,
  • It regenerates the soil and doesn’t require pesticides,
  • Hemp can be cultivated after 4 months fighting deforestation.
  • Hemp needs very little water
  • The whole plant can be used 

For your health

  • Hemp seeds are high in omega 3s
  • Hemp is a plant based source of protein with high levels of vitamin E.
  • Hemp can fight heart disease and PMS symptoms. 
  • Hemp seed oil can treat skin conditions like acne and eczema.  

for it's versatility

  • Hemp seeds can be used for food and cosmetics.
  • The hurd to make concrete and insulation
  • The fibre for canvas, textiles, plastic and rope and the stalk for fuel and paper.
  • Plus SO much more! This plant is literally a miracle for humanity!

CBD has numerous evidence backed health benefits. CBD Is being infused into everything from bath bombs to gummies.

“CBD is not a trend, it’s a solution.”

CBD is a natural compound in cannabis. Our brain and immune system is full of CBD receptors which get stimulated by CBD resulting in the body using more of it’s own cannabinoids. 

For Mental Health

  • There is research based evidence to suggest that CBD can help relief depression and anxiety 
  • CBD is a natural way to treat these conditions with little to no side effects.
  • CBD  has the ability to act on the brains receptors for serotonin, regulating moods.

Natural Pain Relief

  • CBD provides pain relief without psychoactive side effects of marijuana.
  • CBD helps to reduce chronic pain by impacting the endocannabinoid receptor activity
  • CBD reduces inflammation by interacting with CBD receptors in the brain and body

Treatment of disease

  • CBD has been shown to treat serious diseases such as cancer and epilepsy.
  • CBD can manage the symptoms of cancer treatment and research is underway to study how it can reduce tumours and treat cancer.
  • CBD can stop or reduce epileptic seizures.









Pain & Inflammation

Anxiety & Depression





Hemp History

Hemp and humans have a long and most recently a bumpy history together. 

Hemp is one of the first plants to ever be cultivated on a mass scale in human history. Carl Sagan believed the cultivation of the Cannabis plant is responsible for the development of modern civilisation as we know it.

Evidence of hemp use dates back to pottery in Taiwan 8000 years ago. Hemp use in China dates back 6000 years where hemp was used for food, clothing, shoes, rope and paper. Hemp later made its way to India, Europe, Africa, The Middle East and eventually the Americas around 1550 by the Spanish

Hemp was brought to The United States when Christopher Columbus first arrived and was commonly used for making boat sails and ropes. George Washington, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson were all hemp farmers! The first two drafts of the Declaration of Independence were written on hemp paper! In the early 20th century hemp was widely used in America.

In the 1930s hemp cultivation started to be prohibited as major industries like cotton & paper lobbied to make it illegal due to its threat to their industries.

In 1970s the war on drugs happened. Hemp and all cannabis plants were classified as illegal drugs and could no longer be cultivated or imported into America until 1998 when it was allowed to be imported as a food source. It wasn’t until 2018 that hemp was fully legalised in America once again!

Unfortunately much of the world followed America’s leas and outlawed hemp and marijuana for a long time. But thankfully times are changing and we are seeing laws loosening up all over the world allowing for legal cultivation and use of hemp and marijuana.

Who Are We?

Hemp Mountains was established in India & New Zealand in 2020. Our aim is to educate and raise awareness on the benefits of hemp and CBD through sharing the latest information and products in these industries in our community.

At Hemp Mountains we care deeply the Earth and every single living being and plant that lives here. 

Now is the time to make changes to save our home and to save ourselves by reintroducing hemp into every facet of our lives

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